Sensei Charlie Collins
Sensei Charlie Collins, 4th Dan, has been European and World champion in Kumite as a child, junior and senior across multiple governing bodies.
At 6 years old Sensei Charlie dreamed of being a power ranger and so joined the East London Wado Kai Karate club, training in Wado Ryu under Sensei Eric Krappinger. Charlie trained with Eric until he moved out of the Walthamstow area aged 11. After his move to Essex, Charlie joined UKA and changed styles to Shito Ru under Sensei Ian Cuthbert. He achieved 1st Dan in 2007 and 4th Dan in 2023.

Sensei Charlie's fondest memory is winning the WUKF World Championships, in the heavy weight cadet category. Charlie cherishes the moment he walked off of the mat and saw how proud Sensei Ian was of his achievement.
Sensei Charlie believes there are many incredible life skills to be attained through Karate training. Charlie feels the most valuable to him are developing the dedication and determination to overcome any obstacle, no matter how hard things get, you keep moving forwards towards yours aspirations.